British Mark 1 Male

Master Box

British Mark 1 Male tank crossing no man’s land into the barbed wire perimeter of German defenses during the Battle of the Somme.

The Tank: Weathering effects on this Mark I include the application of Vallejo acrylic paints to simulate rust on the all-steel metal tracks and washes to highlight the finer details of rust, mud and oil. AK weathering pencils were used to further accentuate rust and weathering on the body.

The vignette-diorama: The model is set on 1 inch foam base first covered and shaped with a layer of Sculptamold to define the terrain.  Subsequent layers of Vallejo acrylic muds, shades of brown fine-grain model railroad ballast, and Peco Scene static grasses create additional terrain features. Artillery points of impact we’re further sculpted out of the acrylic muds.