Millennium Falcon, Star Wars


Various models were used in A New Hope. Reviewing as many references photos as possible and comparing with screen shots, several differences were observed. The model representation here is the closet I could come to the original studio models.

In order to (eventually) build the very expensive 1:72 Perfect Grade version of this subject, I decided to cut my teeth on building this 1/144 version. Goal is to evaluate techniques here before attempting the larger version.

Started with Vallejo Model Air Black (matte) for a primer. Base coat is Vallejo White Grey. Original decals were used and chipped with a knife. I have to temper down the bright yellow and grey decals with Vallejo Model Air paints. Vallejo Light Grey wash was used for panel lines. Greebles are accented with a combination of dark grey, sepia, and light grey washes. Finished off by lightly dry brushing with base coat White Grey.

The deeper blaster damage areas were created using a small handheld model drill and a knife to ship and scratch out more detail. Used AK weathering pencils and Vallejo dark and light grey washes. Water, oil, and rust streaking was completed using about four different AK weathering pencils.

Rear engine exhaust port screens were a combination of black, dark grey, and light grey washes, accented with a sepia color wash. Exhaust streaks are from a dark grey wash.