American Wood Co.

HO Scale
Scratch Built

The prototype building was located in Hillsboro Street in Raleigh, NC and is modeled as it appeared in the mid 1980’s. Local farmers and scrap haulers would bring loads of scrap wood and sell to the dealer. The wood was mostly gathered from drops that were being cleared in the area.

Model is scratch built of laser cut basswood, birch plywood, chipboard, & paper. The building shell and roof was designed using my modeler’s custom written modeling software: Kit-O-Mat. The Kit-O-Mat software allowed the creation of custom size doors and windows from laser cut birch plywood.

The base is scrap wood with real dirt, set with diluted white glue. Signs designed in Photoshop, printed on an inkjet printer and glued to building.

The trucks are Mini Metals brand IH R-190 Flatbed. The bed was removed and replaced with a makeshift rack and laser cut plywood cab protector. The log loader is a modified V80E Forklift from GHQ. The rail car is a Athearn Southern 40` Pulpwood Car. All vehicles weathered with acrylic paints, black alcohol wash, and chalk.

Figures by Preiser. Metal castings by Scale Structures Ltd.