Out of Harms Way, Bloody Helmand 2009-2010

AC Models - 3 Figures (Squaddies)
Live Resin - Rifles

Blue insulation foam base
Woodland Scenics: Plaster Cloth and Lightweight Hydrocal
Various natural stones
AK and Armor Farm plant forms,
Vallejo paint and washes

Click on images to enlarge

This group of figures picture a dramatic rescue taking place in Helmand Province, Afghanistan in 2009 - 2010. Although their out-of-the-box poses were very good, I decided to add more drama to the piece. New hands and arms were sculpted in some places, missing gear and kit was rendered, and rifles were replaced and detailed. In addition a mixture of DPM and MTP camouflage patterns were rendered and the wounded man was more accurately depicted.

The landscape is simple and draws focus on the squaddies and their dire circumstances. They cut across a barren and unforgiving piece of real estate. Everything is bleached by the sun and sand encrusted by the wind.

There is a sense of loyalty, sacrifice and hope in this small scene. There is also a feeling of desperation in the running poses of the 2 men, and the extraordinary effort they are making to save their fellow squaddie.